How to use modular garter stitch shapes with 45, 90 ad 135 degree angles. Previous posts about making the shapes1. Knitting at MathsJam2. More Modular Knitting Now you know how to make the shapes, what can you do with them? You could make a small cushion or go on, as many people have, to make …
Month: January 2020
More Modular Knitting
In an earlier post I described what happens at a typical Woolly Thoughts workshop about modular knitting and why these foolproof methods work. Begin with a garter stitch square, knit diagonally: Make a slip knot Increase by knitting into the front and back of the loop Increase at the end of every row until you …
Two Dolphins
New year – new pattern. Steve has now designed more than a dozen illusion blankets. You can see them all here. This new one is amongst my favourites. There are many reasons why I particularly like it Dolphins appeal to people of all ages so it isn’t just a baby blanket It is very easy …